After checking in at Labcorp, I am called to room #3, followed by the technician. After our hellos and identity confirmation, I pass along some news from the waiting-room TV.
Me, lightly: “Hey, some sorta bad news just now on the TV.”
She, a bit wary: “Oh?”
Me: “Yeah, they just said Grumpy Cat died.”
She: “Oh no!” (looks distressed)
Me: “Yeah, plus the guy on TV said ‘Grumpy THE Cat has died.’”
She, disgusted: “He didn’t. Even. Know.”
We talk a bit more about the life of Grumpy, then she draws my blood.
As I roll down my sleeve to leave, she mentions Grumpy again.
Me, solemnly: “You will never forget where you were this day.”
She, solemnly: “Yes… in Room 3, with Paul.”